Meeting the 2030 End TB goals in the wake of COVID-19: a modelling study of countries in the USAID TB portfolio.Friday, August 9, 2024Availability, Epidemiological impactRead More
Modelling the global burden of drug-resistant tuberculosis avertable by a post-exposure vaccineFriday, August 9, 2024Availability, Epidemiological impactRead More
Modelling impact of TB vaccination vs other interventions/policiesFriday, August 9, 2024Availability, Epidemiological impactRead More
Acceptability and effect on public and cost-effectiveness impactFriday, August 9, 2024Acceptability and demand, Availability, Economic impact/cost-effectivenss, Epidemiological impactRead More
Impact TB vaccination for PLHIVFriday, August 9, 2024Availability, Economic impact/cost-effectivenss, Epidemiological impactRead More
Modelling the health and economic impacts of M72/AS01E vaccination and BCG-revaccination: estimates for South AfricaFriday, August 9, 2024Availability, Economic impact/cost-effectivenss, Epidemiological impactRead More
New tuberculosis vaccines in India: modelling the potential health and economic impacts of adolescent/adult vaccination with M72/AS01E and BCG-revaccinationFriday, August 9, 2024Availability, Economic impact/cost-effectivenss, Epidemiological impactRead More
The impact of alternative delivery strategies for novel tuberculosis vaccines in low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling studyFriday, August 9, 2024Availability, Epidemiological impactRead More
The cost and cost-effectiveness of novel tuberculosis vaccines in low- and middle-income countries: A modeling studyFriday, August 9, 2024Availability, Economic impact/cost-effectivenssRead More
The potential impact of novel tuberculosis vaccines on health equity and financial protection in low-income and middle-income countriesFriday, August 9, 2024Availability, Economic impact/cost-effectivenss, Epidemiological impactRead More