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The PCF Learning Management System helps national TB programs (NTPs) and technical partner staff build the capacity to use the Patient-Centred Framework (PCF) methodology. This self-paced e-learning system provides modules that support evidence-based decision-making in high-TB-burden settings.

These e-Learning courses will help build the capacity of TB programs by teaching the participants how to use the People-Centred Framework (PCF) approach. The courses are interactive and include knowledge checks, module summaries, pre-and post-tests, references, a glossary, and job aids. By taking these courses, TB programs will be able to improve their programming while promoting stakeholder participation.

To request access, please send an email to: pcf4tb@kncvtbc.org

What will you learn?

After completing the eLearning course, People-Centred Framework for TB Programming, learners should be able to:

  • Describe the People-Centred Framework
  • Implement the PCF process
  • Combine local and global evidence to synthesize and analyze data and identify National TB Program gaps
  • Use the evidence to prioritize intervention(s) to address the gaps
  • Develop a costed budget to implement and sustain the prioritized intervention(s)

Who is this for?

The primary users are:

Technical Specialists—National and sub-national Tuberculosis Programs in countries

Standard users—Implementers supporting the NTP (national and international)

The course offerings are expected to expand the content offered to target audiences of:

Experts—TA providers and Trainers

Other relevant stakeholders, including funders.

How is the course organized?

  • Module 1: Course Introduction and Pre-Test
  • Module 2: Using the PCF Approach for TB Program Planning
  • Module 3: Planning and Preparation for the PCF Process
  • Module 4: Overview of PCF Data Consolidation Process
  • Module 5: Data Collation using the PCF DHIS2 Dashboard
  • Module 6: Patient Pathway Analysis using the PPA Wizard
  • Module 7: Data Synthesis using the PCFDHIS2 Dashboard
  • Module 8: National Consultation Workshop
  • Module 9: Post-Test

To request access, please send an email to: pcf4tb@kncvtbc.org

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