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The People-Centred Framework for TB Programming Webinar

2 september 2021

On Thursday 2nd September 2021, KNCV hosted a webinar to officially launch and showcase the new People-Centred Framework (PCF) for TB programming knowledge hub and gave a sneak-preview of the new PCF data analytics tool plug-in for DHIS2 (“dashboard”). The KNCV team, supported by Linksbridge, was joined by over 63 stakeholders from around the globe. We revisited the progress made in tuberculosis (TB) programming using the PCF Approach over the last 2 years and took a first look at the resulting collaboration platform and tools. The webinar was a mixture of short presentations, video clips and demonstrations of the new dashboard followed by a lively Q&A session.

The People-Centred Framework for TB programming was developed in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other key partners to provide countries with the necessary tools and approaches to optimise their National Strategic Plans in line with the End TB Strategy, Sustainable Development Goals, and country commitments. The PCF is truly country driven, people-centred, and participatory as showcased in the approach and tools presented, as all of them – including the new DHIS2 based data analytics tool – were inspired, informed, and co-created by the 10 early adopter countries (Kenya, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Namibia, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, & Vietnam) first to apply the approach for national strategic planning.

The PCF Knowledge Hub is intended as a “Community of Practice Platform” so all feedback and suggestions received are welcome and will help to continuously improve and refine the PCF approach and associated tools. The platform also contains links to other relevant tools and information country programmes and their stakeholders might find useful during programme evaluation, design, and implementation planning. Have a look at the PCF introduction video to learn more.

If you have missed the webinar, you can listen to the recordings here:

The People-Centred Framework for TB programming was jointly developed by The Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationThe Royal Tropical Institute Netherlands (KIT)The World Health Organization (WHO)LinksbridgeTB Modelling and Analysis Consortium (TB MAC), and refined by KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation with input from 10 early adopter countries (Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam).

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